Rosh Hashanah Oct. 2-4, 2024

Yom Kippur Oct. 11-12, 2024

Join a meaningful and inspiring High Holiday service, in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Dear Friends,

As the High Holidays are upon us, the Plainview Synagogue’s mission is to be here for you by providing a most meaningful, authentic and uplifting High Holiday experience, along with great commentary from our Rabbi!

In our Traditional High Holiday Services,  our Cantor will lead us through spiritually uplifting prayers, including Shofar Blowing & Torah Reading.  

For those of you who are unable to attend, we are offering a “spiritual seat” where the Chazzan will include you in the prayers. The High Holiday services are a tremendous source of merit for the soul. While ideally experienced in person, contributing towards these sacred rituals on Judiasm’s most Holy Days can be a powerful Divine merit. 

We look forward to greeting you and wish you and your family a ‘Shana Tova Ume’tukah’ – Happy and healthy sweet new year!!

Rabbi Shmuel and Malky Shmueli

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