Cemetery Plots

Cemetery Plots

As Rabbis, we are privileged to be part of the most important events in families’ lives. We rejoice with you at your child’s baby naming and circumcision. We help prepare your children for Bar and Bat Mitzvah and celebrate together in your Simcha. We counsel them before weddings, and we cry with them when their loved ones pass on. 

Rabbis do see much joy, as well as unfortunate tragedy. Yet, some unpleasantness can and should be averted. There need not be anxiety, financial pressure, and last minute difficult decisions about funeral services and burial plots when one is still struggling with doctors and debilitating disease.

How often we thought, if one could just find the peace of mind necessary to focus on family rather than having to worry about coming up with thousands of dollars in one day’s notice.

We therefore offer you the opportunity for you to buy your own burial section from Plainview Synagogue. Please take the time to investigate and acquaint yourself. Save your loved ones from the extra heartache and give them peace of mind knowing that everything is set and taken care of. 

**It is customary to purchase one’s burial plot while still alive. This is a Segulah (spiritually propitious act) for longevity because by doing so one contemplates his own mortality and uses his time allotted on this earth more wisely.