Kaddish Services​

Kaddish Services

Kaddish is a bond which unites the Jewish generations from time immemorial, and unto eternity. Kaddish is the way we show our respect for our parents and the way they showed their love and respect for their parents.

Tragically, in today’s day and age the sacred Kaddish tradition is not always maintained. There are times when there is no surviving male to recite the mourner’s Kaddish for the traditional eleven months after a parent’s parting, and on each Yahrtzeit thereafter.

Perhaps it is true for you. Perhaps you have a loved one whom you would want memorialized in annual Kaddish or Yahrtzeit remembrance. Or even for yourself-after 120 years- to have Kaddish recited for the zechus and merit of your soul in the generations to come.

Plainview Synagogue offers the following Kaddish and Yahrtzeit plans.

 Kaddish and Yahrtzeit Plans

  1.     Kaddish, Mishnayos recited three times daily, for eleven months $360
  2.     Kaddish, Mishnayos, recited on day of Yahrtzeit perpetually $180


Another way the Shul offers to permanently honor the memory of your loved ones is by ordering a Yahrzeit Plaque. The placing of a plaque on the Yahrzeit Wall in the sanctuary is a lasting tribute.

Each memorial plaque contains the name and date of the deceased. 

The cost of a Yahrzeit Plaque is $950.